Spanish America is by definition a region totally changed by Europeans. The Spanish and their language are European. The Spanish language and culture was imposed, usually with great brutality, on the inhabitants of what became Spanish America, after the Spanish had destroyed the original languages, religions and cultures, and imposed themselves as masters over the native Indian inhabitants, who were enslaved or made serfs by the Spanish after the Spanish Conquest. This has affected Latin American society for five centuries, down to the present. The creation of Spanish America from the indigenous civilizations (Inca, Aztec, etc) may be the greatest cultural genocide in modern history. Its success can be seen by the way many descendants of Indios regard Spanish as their original native language. It is not. It is the language of the European conqueror and colonizer.
spanish towns in America
The Spanish discovered America, so for a time they were the only ones in Europe that even knew it was there. That, and the fact that everyone else was too busy fighting with each other to worry about what Spain was doing.
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic is the oldest European city in North America. It was founded by Columbus' brother in 1508. It served as the centre for Spanish tyrrany, conquest and extermination of the indigenous people for a century and as the first terminus of the slave ships thereafter. It is a beautiful city whose history is steeped in blood.
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the Spanish
The European lust for gold and treasure was the real reason that the Spanish explored and decimated South America.
european nations
There are many European languages spoken in the Western Hemisphere. In North America, Spanish, English and French are spoken. In South America, Spanish, English, Dutch, French and Portuguese are spoken.
The only two European languages of Latin America are Spanish and Portuguese.* Latin America means "countries in America that speak Latin-based languages."*Note: if Haiti is included in the definition, then French is also spoken.
South America was controlled by the Spanish, the Portuguese, the Dutch, and the British.
the spanish and the portuguese
St. Augustine, Florida, a Spanish settlement.
The Spanish Empire qualifies as such.