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The plan was the Virginia plan

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yes he did proposed it.

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Q: What was the Virginia Plan proposed by Edmund Randolph?
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What was Virginia Plan proposed by Edmund Randolph?

yes he did proposed it.

Who introduced the Virginia Plan?

James Madison drafted the Virginia Plan, and Edmund Randolph presented it to the Constitutional Convention of 1787. It proposed a bicameral legislature for the United States.

Who proposed the virgina plan?

Edmund Randolph proposed the Virgina Plan.

Who proposed Virginia plan?

Edmund Randolph proposed it, but James Madison wrote most of it.James Madison drafted the Virginia plan of representation at the Constitutional Convention of 1787. Virginia governor Edmund Randolph is the person who officially placed the proposal to the convention.Edmund randolphI guess that depends on what you mean by proposed. The plan was drafted by delegate James Madison, as part of a committee, but he was likely the main impetus. However, delegate Edmund Randolph that officially put it before the convention. It was presented on May 29, 1787.

What is Edmund Randolph Virginia Plan?

Make it the capitol

Who was the author behind the Virginia Plan?

Edmund Randolph

Who introduced the Virginia Plan to the constitution?

Edmund Randolph

Was Edmund Randolph a delegate of the Virginia Plan?


What plan presented by Edmund Randolph proposed a national government with three branches?

The Virgina Plan was the Plan Presented By Edmund Randolph to the national Government with 3 Branches

Who wrote Virginia plan?

Edmund Randolph proposed it, but James Madison wrote most of it.James Madison drafted the Virginia plan of representation at the Constitutional Convention of 1787. Virginia governor Edmund Randolph is the person who officially placed the proposal to the convention.Edmund randolphI guess that depends on what you mean by proposed. The plan was drafted by delegate James Madison, as part of a committee, but he was likely the main impetus. However, delegate Edmund Randolph that officially put it before the convention. It was presented on May 29, 1787.

What was the Virginia pan?

This answer is from my history book. The Virginia Plan is "a plan proposed by Edmund Randolph, a delegate to the Constitutional Convention in 1787, that proposed a government with three branches and a two house legislature in which representation would be based on a state's population or wealth."

What did Edmund Randolph do at the Constitutional Convention?

James Madison was a very important delagate at the Constitutional convention. He took vivid notes which helped the other delagates on agreeing on the constitution. He was a Virgina delicate