When George Washington and the troops crossed the Delaware, they had a landing area set up in New Jersey. No one was allowed to pass through if they didn't know the password 'Victory or Death. '
They were both portrayed in images crossing the Delaware. "General" Jones was compared with humor to George Washington. Gen. Jones was the leader of a group of suffragists who walked from Long Island to Wash DC. and also Albany. They picked up more suffragists as they went along. It drew lots of attention to the suffrage cause. "Gen. Jones crossing the Delaware" cartoon by James Donahey after Leutze, showing General Rosalie Jones, leader of the New York State Suffrage participants, standing up in boat. 191
If you ar referring to the river he crossed on christmas eve, it would be the Delaware river
George Washington crossed the Delaware River during December 25â??26, 1776. He did this as a surprise attack against the Hessian forces in Trenton, New Jersey.
In a Boat
Washington Crossing the Delaware was created in 1851.
Washington Crossing the Delaware - sonnet - was created in 1936.
Sometime after Washington crossed the Delaware, I believe.
its when gerge washinton ceoss the delaware
Not you
It was the battle of Trenton
what was the site of an early American victory afterWashington's famous crossing the Delaware
890 your mum