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Shabtis are used for tombs and putting slaves in

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Q: What were shabtis used for?
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What is shabtis?

Shabtis were model servants that were placed in the tombs. Their job was to work for the deseased for all etertnity. They had to obey the god Osiris as he was the king of the underworld. Use the links below to see what shabtis were and looked like. OR Double click on the word "shabtis" to find some extra information.

What were mummy shaped servant statues that were put in tombs?

Shabtis or ushabtis are both terms used to describe this figures.

What were the figurines in Tutankhamun's tomb called?

Shabtis....small funeral figurines.

These mummy-shaped figures worked in the afterlife's fields for the mummy?


What is the name of Tutankhamens tomb figurines?

Shabtis are the figurines in Tutankhamuns tomb.

What were mummy-shaped figures called used to guard the tombs?

The Mummy shaped figures you are talking about may be "Shabtis." These were small statues placed in a tomb with the body. They were in the form of humans, also mummified, and served as slaves or servants in the afterlife. Egyptians believed that leaving the Shabtis with the mummy would ensure easy living in the Duat*. They would be inscribed with spells and enchantments. These said that they would do anything the deceased ordered. * Egyptian afterlife, land of the dead

These symbolic figures called shabtis represent the workers in the afterlife that would till the soil in the field of reeds for the dead pharaoh?

Shabtis were placed in tombs in ancient Egypt to serve as substitutes for the deceased in the afterlife, performing any tasks required by the deceased, such as tilling fields. They were often inscribed with a spell from the Book of the Dead to ensure their compliance. The more shabtis a person had, the less work they would have to do in the afterlife.

What magical figures where placed with the Egyptian god in between the mummy wrapping?

There were many magical figures that were used. Some of them were: - Shabtis. These were magical fieldworkers for the afterlife. Shabtis were figures usually made of stone, wood or faience. Sometimes, tools for the Shabtis were included. - Canopic Jars. The organs of the dead body were placed in here, all except for the heart which remained in the body. - General items. General items like clothes, shoes, jewels, writing materials and food (preserved meats, grains, fruits and wine and beer). There was also furniture (beds, chairs etc.) Hope this helps! :)

What artifacts helped date king Tutankhamen's?

His golden mask, shabtis,golden chair with himself and his wife.

What is the name of the small statues of an Egyptian king that would act as servants to do the king's hard work in his afterlife?

These were called shabtis. Double click on shabtis to find out some more information.

What were some of the artifacts in King Tutankhamun's tomb and what were they?

His Golden Mask, Shabtis, golden chair with a picture of himself and his wife, etc

What are mummy - shaped figures that work in the afterlife's fields for the mummy called?

Shabtis, also sometimes called ushebtis or shawabtis.