Differences on foreign and domestic policy led to the nation's first political parties.
Political Parties.
Federalists and Anti-Federalists were the first American political parties, formed around, respectively, their support of and opposition to the new Constitution.
At that time, many Americans thought political parties were harmful to good government. The Constitution made no mention of parties because its authors saw no good use for them. Washington disapproved of political parties, or "factions" as they were known. He warned that they would divide the nation.
There were actually two first political parties. Both parties formed at basically the same time, because the first one (which is technically unknown which party came first) had ideas someone didn't like, so another person formed a second party with their ideas contradicting the first party's ideas. The first two political parties were the Republican Party and the Federalist Party.
Differences on foreign and domestic policy led to the nation's first political parties.
republicans and fedelarists
wolf, Wig party.
the whigs and the tories
Strove for Political Balance also opposed political parties
The top two political parties in Canada are the Liberals and the Conservatives. There are smaller parties as well, including the NDP, the Green Party, and the Bloc Quebecois.
Hamilton and Jefferson
Political parties usually have their basis in shared political ideologies and objectives. In the United States the two major political parties are the Republican and Democrat parties.
Federalists and Jeffersonian Republicans
political parties
Federalists and Jeffersonian Republicans