Answer this question… Haiti remained deeply divided between different social classes.
Community members made up the three classes in the Sumerian society.
NovaNet Answer: the patricians and plebeians
NovaNet Answer: the patricians and plebeians
nobility , commmon people
There were seven social classes in ancient Rome. they were the patricians, plebeians, the equites, the proletariat, the freedmen, the slaves and foreigners. The last "class" the foreigners, were not Roman but many of them lived in the city and did not fit in with any Roman class.
Core classes are the four main classes; ELA, Science, Social Studies, and Math.Holly907
good question.
The two main classes of literature are prose and poetry.
The three social classes in China under the Zhou dynasty are King, Nobles, and Peasants.
receme and umbel
The social system in Ancient Ghana was divided into two main classes. There was the upper class which was made up of the rich leaders and rulers and the lower class which was comprised of the laborers.
The simple subject in this sentence is "it," as it is the main topic of the sentence that the reader is asked to read and prepare a report about for social studies classes.
essay about 3 most eye opening disccusion in the film Social Class in America