

Best Answer

D. THe presidents uncompromising veto of a civil rights bill.

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Q: What won the support of Congressional moderates for the Radical program?
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What are four important support agencies in Congress?

There are approximately four important support agencies in Congress. The support agencies are the Congressional Budget Office, Congressional Research Service, General Accountability Office, and the Technology Assessment Office.

People who support the president in the executive office work in which type of agency?

a congressional agency

Which plan of the radical did president Abraham Lincoln support?

The one that provided for basic needs of the war refugees.

Will a schism in a political party benefit the party?

A schism is a split or a division. Surely that hurts the party in the short run and n most cases would not ever benefit a party and could even destroy it. In the longer-term, a party schism usually benefits the schismatic party as a whole, as it allows the new parties to adjust their ideology and determine which of the schism-causing ideologies enjoy broader support in the general populace. Party splits are rarely even close to balanced - usually, the "breakaway" section includes fewer than one-third the total party support. Both new parties are now capable of adjusting their ideology to attract new members which could not support the prior "hybrid" party. On an ideological scale of "Left" vs "Right", one faction will be closer to the middle than the other (call this one the "Moderates" and the other the "Radicals"). The Moderates will now be able to recruit members from the more center-leaning voters (who had previously objected to the policies that the Radicals had required in the old party). At the same time, the Radical section will be able to recruit people from the more extreme ideological leaning (who had previously objected to the more moderate views of the Moderate faction in the old party). Overall, for a party experiencing significant internal dissention, a split will almost certainly benefit at least one faction. In a two-party system, the split will allow the more Moderate chuck to pick up Independents, and the Radical portion will likely wither and die shortly thereafter. In a multi-party system, both the Radical and Moderate factions will likely combine with other parties closer to their new ideology, which may or may not result in more support than in the original party.

What is a radical A reactionary Far Right Far Left?

radicals are rabid,extremists who support extreme political measures and can be found in both left n right wing parties

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What are four important support agencies in Congress?

There are approximately four important support agencies in Congress. The support agencies are the Congressional Budget Office, Congressional Research Service, General Accountability Office, and the Technology Assessment Office.

What are the responsibilities of Congresswoman for the 35th congressional district?

too support

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Pressure to support emancipation did not come from the?

radical repulicans

Why did German moderates support Adolf Hitler?

cause he would kill the if they didnt hitler ran gremany..what he said went

Pressure to support emancipation did not come from the radical republicans?

Very True

People who support the president in the executive office work in which type of agency?

a congressional agency

What generally was the political position of the men chosen for leadership in the confederacy?

They chose moderates to lead them so as to win support from Southerners who were unsure about splitting from the Union.

What measures did radical republican support?

Ensuring African American voting rights.

Why did radical political groups gain support in the early 1903's?

It was in the early 1930s that radical political groups gained support throughout the US. During this time the country was faced with major economical problems and they wanted to survive the Great Depression. Radical political groups provided solutions to dig out of these problems.

Which of the measure did radical republicans support?

The Radical Republicans supported the measure to ensure voting rights for African Americans.