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New Jersey was one of the original 13 colonies which declared independence from Britain on July 4, 1776, and ratified the US Constitution on December 18, 1787.

Either of these should be acceptable answers, if the reasons are given with them.

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Dec. 18, 1787

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Q: What year did New Jersey become part of the United States?
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When did New Jersey become a part of the US?

ANSWER:New Jersey became the third state of the United States of America, on December 18, 1787, after it ratified the United States Constitution.

About the country New Jersey?

New Jersey is a US State and a part of the United States of America.

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Yes, Jersey is in fact part of the UK. Jersey is located in the British Isles. However, there is also New Jersey in the United States.

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New Jersey hasn't left, it is still a part of the United States as it has been for well over two centuries.

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