When a government keeps someone within the society from hurting someone else, it most directly accomplishes the purpose of order.
The institution of ombudsman was designed for this purpose.
Protection is the purpose of government served by military forces.
school is to educate government is to over see process of govering
Its purpose was to investigate government employees and to dismiss those who were found to be disloyal to the U.S. government.
The framers believed that the primary purpose of government was to secure our unalienable rights.
When a government keeps someone within the society from hurting someone else, it most directly accomplishes the purpose of order.
When a government keeps someone within the society from hurting someone else, it most directly accomplishes the purpose of order.
It most directly accomplishes the purpose of order.
A device that accomplishes its purpose electronically.
Mission statement is typically a short statement of company's purpose of existence. Credo is the guideliines by which the company accomplishes its purpose.
It can't 'stop' them, but it absorbs them, which accomplishes the same purpose because none come out of the other side.
The institution of ombudsman was designed for this purpose.
Because typing "k" is shorter than typing ok, okay, or alright, and still accomplishes the same purpose.