When ever he commits a crime. (A Senator cannot be held accountable for any action taken in connection with the execution of his mandate)http://www.senat.gov.pl/k5eng/historia/noty/nota06a.htm
That does not mean he cannot be arrested. If the rest of the senators in office think he should be punished for his actions then he will be, but if the other senators do not think he should be punished, the crime can be put to a pending crime and he can be charged for it when he is released from office.
(Matters that cannot be pursued while a senator is protected by the parliamentary immunity are not subject to the statute of limitations. Therefore, if a proceeding against a senator cannot be continued during his term of office (i.e. he is not willing to forfeit his right to immunity and the Senate does not agree to revoke it), then it can be resumed after the term of office ends.)http://www.senat.gov.pl/k5eng/historia/noty/nota06a.htm
(A senator cannot be arrested or retained without the Senate's permission unless he is caught in the commission of an offence, and that only if the arrest is indispensable to ensuring a proper course of the criminal proceeding.) http://www.senat.gov.pl/k5eng/historia/noty/nota06a.htm
A Senator's term of office is six years.A Senator's term of office is six years.A Senator's term of office is six years.A Senator's term of office is six years.A Senator's term of office is six years.A Senator's term of office is six years.
senator senator
Richard Lugar is the oldest Republican Senator.
A Senator is only permitted to be the chairman of one committee. However, a Senator can serve on an many committees as elected to.
A naturalized citizen can be a US Senator, although not the US President.
We learned about the three branches and the senator.
SEN is the abbreviation for 'senator'.
Palpatine was the Senator of Naboo.
He was the junior senator from Illinois.
Senator Jeanne Shaheen and Senator Judd Gregg
The possessive form of the singular noun senator is senator's.example: The senator's family was a big asset to his campaign.
The former Governor of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich, allegedly attempted to sell Obama's Senate seat but was arrested before he was able to do so.
76 Alphabetical list of Senators # Abetz, the Hon Eric - Senator for Tasmania # Adams, Judith - Senator for Western Australia # Arbib, the Hon Mark - Senator for New South Wales # Back, Chris - Senator for Western Australia # Barnett, Guy - Senator for Tasmania # Bernardi, Cory - Senator for South Australia # Bilyk, Catryna - Senator for Tasmania # Birmingham, Simon - Senator for South Australia # Bishop, Mark - Senator for Western Australia # Boswell, the Hon Ronald - Senator for Queensland # Boyce, Sue - Senator for Queensland # Brandis, the Hon George - Senator for Queensland # Brown, Bob - Senator for Tasmania # Brown, Carol - Senator for Tasmania # Bushby, David - Senator for Tasmania # Cameron, Doug - Senator for New South Wales # Carr, the Hon Kim - Senator for Victoria # Cash, Michaelia - Senator for Western Australia # Colbeck, the Hon Richard - Senator for Tasmania # Collins, Jacinta - Senator for Victoria # Conroy, the Hon Stephen - Senator for Victoria # Coonan, the Hon Helen - Senator for New South Wales # Cormann, Mathias - Senator for Western Australia # Crossin, Trish - Senator for Northern Territory # Eggleston, Alan - Senator for Western Australia # Evans, the Hon Christopher - Senator for Western Australia # Farrell, Don - Senator for South Australia # Faulkner, the Hon John - Senator for New South Wales # Feeney, David - Senator for Victoria # Ferguson, the Hon Alan - Senator for South Australia # Fielding, Steve - Senator for Victoria # Fierravanti-Wells, Concetta - Senator for New South Wales # Fifield, Mitch - Senator for Victoria # Fisher, Mary Jo - Senator for South Australia # Forshaw, Michael - Senator for New South Wales # Furner, Mark - Senator for Queensland # Hanson-Young, Sarah - Senator for South Australia # Heffernan, the Hon Bill - Senator for New South Wales # Hogg, the Hon John - Senator for Queensland # Humphries, Gary - Senator for Australian Capital Territory # Hurley, Annette - Senator for South Australia # Hutchins, Steve - Senator for New South Wales # Johnston, the Hon David - Senator for Western Australia # Joyce, Barnaby - Senator for Queensland # Kroger, Helen - Senator for Victoria # Ludlam, Scott - Senator for Western Australia # Ludwig, the Hon Joe - Senator for Queensland # Lundy, Kate - Senator for Australian Capital Territory # Macdonald, the Hon Ian - Senator for Queensland # McEwen, Anne - Senator for South Australia # McGauran, Julian - Senator for Victoria # McLucas, the Hon Jan - Senator for Queensland # Marshall, Gavin - Senator for Victoria # Mason, the Hon Brett - Senator for Queensland # Milne, Christine - Senator for Tasmania # Minchin, the Hon Nick - Senator for South Australia # Moore, Claire - Senator for Queensland # Nash, Fiona - Senator for New South Wales # O'Brien, Kerry - Senator for Tasmania # Parry, Stephen - Senator for Tasmania # Payne, Marise - Senator for New South Wales # Polley, Helen - Senator for Tasmania # Pratt, Louise - Senator for Western Australia # Ronaldson, the Hon Michael - Senator for Victoria # Ryan, Scott - Senator for Victoria # Scullion, the Hon Nigel - Senator for Northern Territory # Sherry, the Hon Nick - Senator for Tasmania # Siewert, Rachel - Senator for Western Australia # Stephens, the Hon Ursula - Senator for New South Wales # Sterle, Glenn - Senator for Western Australia # Troeth, the Hon Judith - Senator for Victoria # Trood, Russell - Senator for Queensland # Williams, John - Senator for New South Wales # Wong, the Hon Penny - Senator for South Australia # Wortley, Dana - Senator for South Australia # Xenophon, Nick - Senator for South Australi
A Senator Predarius in the times of ancient Rome was a Senator who cannot vote. This Senator was recognized by his white robes.
A senator is a senator-elect until he is sworn in (normally in January following an election). A senator newly elected is called a freshman senator.
The singular is senator and the possessive is senator's (one senator).The plural is senators and the plural possessive is senators' (referring to more than one senator).
no he was not an senator