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On January 6,1759.

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Q: When did George Washington marry Martha Custis?
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Why did George Washington marry Washington?

He didn't. He married Martha Custis.

When did George Washington marry Martha Dandridge Custis?


Why did George Washington marry Martha Custis Washington?

There was wealth for him since she was a widow.

When did George Washington marry Martha Dandrigde Custis?

When she finally talked him into it. XD

Who did gearge Washington marry?

George Washington married a southern girl by the name of Martha Custis.

Who did Martha Danbridge Custis marry before George Washington?

Martha Danbridge Custis married John Custis and they had 4 children. Martha's first husband, John Custis, died. And Martha met and married George Washington, the 1st president of The United States in 1757. Martha Danbridge Custis married John Custis and they had 4 children. Martha's first husband, John Custis, died. And Martha met and married George Washington, the 1st president of The United States in 1757.

When was George Washington married to Jane?

George Washington did not marry Jane he married Martha Dandrige Custis in 1759

Did George Washington marry Martha Dandridge?

Yes, he did. Mr. Chamberlain invited George to dinner, where he met Martha Dandridge Custis.

Who did President Washington marry?

President George Washington married Martha Dandridge Custis Washington on January 6, 1759 on her estate in Virgina.

Who did Washington marry and when?

Martha custis and they got married on January 6, 1759

Did George Washington have a wife?

Yes. George Washington got married to a woman named Martha (I don't know her last name). So she was Mrs. Martha Washington Bella943 says, George Washington Married Martha Dandridge Custis in 1759

Where did George Washington marry Martha Washington?

They got married on January 6,1759 at the White House plantation