In 1812. The United States declared war on Britain on June 18, 1812 for a combination of reasons, including outrage at the impressment (conscription) of American sailors into the British navy, frustration at British restraints on neutral trade, and anger at alleged British military support for American Indians who were hostile to the United States. Plus the US hoped to grab Canada while the British were busy fighting France.
There was never a second American Revolutionary War, there was only one.
his butt
England/Great Britain.The new Americans fought the countrymen of their homeland, Great Britain.The USA fought England
In 1865, the US Civil War was still going on. Also, Reconstruction followed the war and it took some Southern states time to reunite with the US. Thus the US Congress did not have all the states represented.
The Second War of Independence is the name often given to the 1812 war between the US and England. Strictly speaking the name is incorrect, as the independence of the US was no longer at stake.
during the time between the us revolutionary war and the us civil war England traded with Africa.
The US reverted back to the Uniform Time Act until the Second World War
This was the second time in 20 years (WW1) that Europe couldn't handle their problems (and the US had to help them). Again, for the second time, the US felt it wasn't their war.
don't know but you can google it and that might work ! ! ! ! ! ! !
To gain freedom at sea
No. The civil war was between the states. The war of Independence was against England.
from the time England declared war on Germany to the time the US declared war on the Japanese 707 days (3rd of sept 39 - 7th dec 41)
because Spain and France were enemies of England during that time
This would depend upon which war you are talking about. The US fought against England in two wars, the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812, and it fought as an ally of England in two other wars, WW I and WW II.
to have freedom at sea