Feudal government was an unfair system used in ancient timesFeudalism involves a hierarchy consisting of a king, nobles, and peasants. The king grants land to the nobles and the nobles have peasants work the land. The peasants are provided shelter, food, and protection in exchange for increasing the wealth of the nobles.
Yes, Wu Hou married a tang emperor. A few years later she changed the dynasty to Chou, and named herself the "Sacred and Divine Empress Regnant" of the Chou Dynasty. In effect, she usurped the Tang Dynasty without major bloodshed.Empress Wu ZetianTang Dynasty China (625-705 AD)
Feudalism started in the 9th century, during the Medieval Era. It was very popular, but most nations now are not using a feudal system.
In order to better control the leaders of their conquests in the New World, the Spanish government created a feudal system. Members of a tribe were treated as slaves after the leaders were captured and taken hostage by the Spaniards.
feudal fighting
Study island.
to reward wartime allies with land
to reward wartime allies with land
Two important changes brought about by the Zhou dynasty in ancient China were the introduction of the concept of the Mandate of Heaven, which legitimized the ruling dynasty, and the establishment of a feudal system, where power was decentralized and shared among regional lords.
They were both feudal.
A decentralized politcal system
In the 18th century, Adam Smith, seeking to describe economic systems, effectively coined the forms "feudal government" and "feudal system.
Zhoue/Chou Dynasty
decentralized political system