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The first rulers were thought to be used in the region of present day Pakistan and India, thousands of years ago. These rulers were made of ivory.

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The origin of Monarchy are lost in the mists of time. Kings have existed for thousands of years.

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Q: When were rulers invented?
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Who is the inventor of rulers?

The ruler was invented in 1675 and unfortunately, to this day, no one knows by whom it was invented.

What was used before rulers for measurement?

before using rulers to measure people used sticks but then they relized that every stick wasn't the same length so they invented inches and centimeters that were all the same length and then they started making rulers isn't that cool :)

How did the first two rulers of the Soviet Union change the country?

they invented the command economy system and killed hitler

When were rulers first invented and how have they evolved over time?

Rulers were first invented around 2700 BCE in ancient Mesopotamia. They have evolved from simple measuring sticks made of wood or bone to more precise and standardized tools made of materials like metal or plastic. Modern rulers often include additional features like measurements in metric and imperial units, as well as markings for angles and circles.

When the ruler was invented?

The concept of rulers and measuring tools dates back to ancient civilizations. The first known rulers were found in ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt, dating back to around 3000 BCE. These early rulers were made of materials such as wood, bone, and ivory, and they were used to accurately measure and mark lengths for construction and other purposes.

Why were the leaders of Athens unhappy with the sophists?

The leaders of Athens were unhappy with the sophists because the sophists argued that the rulers invented the gods in order to control the people of Athens.

In a dictatorship rulers have what?

in a dictatorship rulers

What types of printable rulers are available online?

There are several types of printable rulers that can be found online. Some of these include metric rulers, imperial rulers, and yard stick-style rulers.

Why were legalist rulers unpopular in ancient China?

legalist rulers were unpopular because there were few rulers

How were the settlements of Mesopotamia organized in terms of government?

in like emperors and rulers in like emperors and rulers in like emperors and rulers in like emperors and rulers

What are advantages of Aristocracy?

the rulers are rich!!!! Rulers have money and can pay for many things Rulers are rich Have money $$$$$$$$$$$$

How do you spell rulers in Spanish?

Wooden rulers would be "reglas." Governing rulers would be "gobernantes" (governors).