No, they were not. The idea of 'all people being equal under the law' is a concept that only came up in the 18th century, not before. In the case of Hammurabi, there were slaves everywhere and women in that age were little more than the 'property' of first their fathers, then their husbands.
Civil Rights
They established a public and consistent set of rules for a society.
14th Ammendment
The Right to Equal treatment under the law.
probably not.
um he favored the rich, not the poor. it wasnt financially equal
Assault is covered under Hammurabi code of law.
During the ancient times, the people of Mesopotamia lived under the rule of the Babylonian king, Hammurabi. Hammurabi created his code of laws, which consists of 282 laws, in the year 1750 BC. The Code of Hammurabi was inscribed on stone, which suggests that the King accepted the laws from the sun god, Shamash. The code of laws encouraged people to accept authority of a king, who was trying to give common rules to govern the subjects' behavior.
Hammurabi had his laws codified in one writing. In this case, they were carved into stone. The code was divided into Religion, Military service, Trade, Slavery, The duties of workers and the Code of conduct.
They were punished according to the law. In the related links box below, I posted the Hammurabi code.
Hammurabi ruled the ancient Babylon kingdom.
people have equal rights for this country under god and its people.
it was universal throughout the empire
It means that everyone is viewed as "equal" before the law, and they all are afforded equal treatment under the law.
Those who broke the code.
Type your answer here... Which best describes Babylonian law under Hammurabi?
their color