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The battle of long island took place in Philadelpia there for being won by Great Britian. The battle of long island took place in Philadelpia there for being won by Great Britian.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

The main day of fighting was August 27, 1776. The British had landed August 22 unopposed at Gravesend Bay. They fooled around for a few days and scouted out the lay of the land. The Americans were trying to hold a line along the Heights of Guan (Gowanus), which was a range of hills extending east-northeast from where Bay Ridge is today. The low saddles between these hills were called passes, and the roads ran through these, and this was where the defenses were concentrated. From west to east these were Gowanus Pass, Flatbush Pass (also called Battle Pass)(where Prospect Park is today), Bedford Pass (today a small street called Clove Road marks the location) and Jamaica Pass. Jamaica Pass was not actually defended, only picketed by a few mounted men. While making conspicous "demonstrations" to occupy the attention of the defensders atthese passes, later converted to strong attacks on the forces further west, in relation to the strength of the defenders, the bulk of the British force marched by way of the Jamaica Pass, easily brushing aside the picketing party, and then turned back west. The British commander, Howe, forced William Howard, owner of Howard's Tavern located on the Jamaica Road to the south of the Heights of Guan, and his fourteen-year-old son, to show him the way to an old Rockaway Indian trail, called the Rockaway Path, which skirted the pass itself. It is in today's Evergreen Cemetery. See related link below.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Brooklyn and long island around there

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βˆ™ 12y ago

new york

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Q: Where did the first battle of Long Island Take Place?
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August 27, 1776

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When did Battle of Long Island happen?

Battle of Long Island happened on 1776-08-27.

Why was the long island battle so important?

it is important cause of it was the biggest battle of the conflict in the revolutionary war and it was the first battle the Americans engaged.

Where was the battle of long islands?

The battle was at Long Island, New York.

What was the result of the battle Long Island?

The result of the Battle of Long Island was that the British drove Washington's troops out of Brooklyn.