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The following continents border the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans:

1. North and South America;

2. Antarctica

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Q: Which continents are touched by both Atlantic and pacific oceans?
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What continents touched the pacific and Atlantic ocean?

Antarctica, North and South America touch the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

Which continents are touched by both the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans?

Africa, Antarctica, North America, and South America are touched by both the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. The Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans run from the ice of the North Pole to the ice of the South Pole. But unlike the Southern polar ice, the Northern polar ice doesn't cover land.

Which continents are not touched by the Atlantic?

The continents of Asia and Australia have no Atlantic Ocean coastlines. Instead, they're touched by the Pacific Ocean. Additionally, the continent of Asia is touched by the Arctic Ocean, to the north. Australia similarly is touched by the Antarctica Ocean, also called the South Polar and Southern Oceans, to the south.

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What two continents do not border the Atlantic Ocean?

Asia and Australia are the two continents that the Atlantic Ocean does not touch. In the case of Asia, the continent instead is touched by the Arctic and Pacific Oceans. In the case of Australia, the continent is touched by the Antarctica and Pacific Oceans.

What continents border the Pacific and Atlantic oceans?

North America and South America.

Which ocean surrounds the continent?

All the oceans surround the continents. The Pacific Ocean surrounds the continents of North America, South America, Australia, and Asia. The Atlantic Ocean surrounds the continents of North America, South America, Europe, and Africa. The Indian Ocean surrounds the continents of Africa, Asia, and Australia. The Arctic Ocean surrounds the continents of North America, Europe, and Asia. The Southern Ocean (or Antarctic Ocean) surrounds the continent of Antarctica.

How many ocean surround the united states america?

there are 2 oceans touching the US, pacific and Atlantic, and there are four in the world, pacific, Atlantic, arctic, and Indian 2nd Answer: Make that 3. Pacific, Atlantic, and Arctic. (Alaska)

What are the three major oceans of the world?

The three major oceans are the Pacific, the Atlantic, and the Indian.

What is the the 4 oceans and 7 continents?

Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, Europe, Australia- these are the continents. The oceans- Arctic, Pacific, Atlantic and Indian. Some say that there is a 5th one- the Southern ocean.

What continents and oeans are in the eastern hemisphere?

Continents: Europe, Africa, Asia, Antarctica, and Australia. Oceans: Arctic, Atlantic, Indian, Pacific, and Southern.

What continents border the Indian Atlantic and pacific oceans?

i guess its North America