James Madison was the delegate who kept a notebook of daily events.
The president of the convention was George Washington. He never said a word the entire convention. Madison took complete notes and his notes tell us the thinking of the men in the room.
Virginian James Madison kept very detailed notes of all that was said throughout the Constitutional Convention. Robert Yates of New York also contributed to the record of the Convention.
Madison was president of the United States, member of the constitutional convention, took all the notes at the convention, signed the Declaration of Independence, and when he died he was the last of the men who wrote the constitution.
James Madison is considered the father of the constitution. He kept a journal of his papers and notes from the Constitutional Convention that was eventually published.
James Madison. His extensive notes tell us about the Convention's proceedings. This is especially helpful as many of the key delegates died before the 30 year secrecy-pact expired, so we didn't get to hear what they had to say.
James Madison
55 men came and went at the convention. Washington was president of the convention, Franklin at 81 was the oldest delegate, Madison took notes at the convention, Adams was a delegate, but Jefferson wasn't there.
James Madison
When you get to college you have to take copious of notes
Copious notes refer to extensive or plentiful notes that contain detailed information on a subject. These notes are typically comprehensive and cover a wide range of topics or details related to the subject matter.
I passed the test because I took copious notes.
I always take copious notes in my classes so that I have a lot of information to study from.
James Madison... also he never missed a Convention and wrote detailed notes.
The person who kept detailed notes during the 1787 convention was James Madison. In fact, James Madison always took notes at every single convention he attended.
There are no notes or abridged summaries of the District convention of Jehovah's Witnesse. The program is availbable at the various convention sites. For Convention dates consult the Jehovah's Witness website.
The Constitutional Convention of 1787 was held in Philadelphia, PA. Wilson and Rutledge kept extensive notes at the convention and devised the method of ratification.