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For all practical purposes, the principles Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence, were based in part from the "constitution" of his home state of Virginia. With that said, Jefferson made it clear at the opening of the Declaration, that God created all men equally and they were entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

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Strong state governments, belief in common man's role in government, agricultural economy, against a national bank, and low tarriffs

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Q: Which principles concerning government are found in the Declaration of Independence?
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What are the principles concerning government is found in the Declaration of Independence?

That the fundamental purpose of government is to protect people's rights and that government must have the consent of the governed. Michael Montagne

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The Declaration of Independence is best described as a statement of democratic principles.

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The Declaration of Independence founded the US government on the principles of human liberty and consent of the governed. The Declaration of Independence announced that the thirteen American colonies would no longer be a part of the British Empire.

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The Declaration of Independence is best described as a statement of democratic principles.

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Some what they were both establish on freedom but one was a list of grievences and the other was the government

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It didn't reflect the Declaration. The Declaration was a letter to the king telling him why the colonies were seeking independence, but not meant to be a foundation for government.