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Technology developed during the Industrial Revolution allowed for the mass production of goods such as textiles" is the best option. The Industrial Revolution changed the course of economic history.

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Technology developed during the Industrial Revolution allowed for the mass production of goods such as textiles.

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Many unemployed formwork could go to working the country's factorys

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Q: Which statement best describes the relationship between the Industrial Revolution and mass production in Great Britain?
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Who was the industrial leader in production of steel?

Valmont Industries Inc. and Nucor Corporation are major steel companies.

How has the US changed from an agrarian rural society to an industrial urban society?

USA took idea's from the industrial revolution in europe(mainly england) which started by these -· The First Industrial Revolution, which began in the 18th century, merged into the Second Industrial Revolution around 1850.· Great Britain provided the legal and cultural foundations that enabled entrepreneurs to pioneer the Industrial Revolution.· Starting in the latter part of the 18th century, there began a transition in parts of Great Britain's previously manual labor and draft-animal-based economy towards machine-based manufacturing.· The introduction of steam power fuelled primarily by coal, wider utilization of water wheels, and powered machinery-mainly in textile manufacturing-underpinned the dramatic increases in production capacity.· The effects spread throughout Western Europe and North America during the 19th century, eventually affecting most of the world, a process that continues as industrialization today.USA, Today is one of the most industrilized countries in the world. South Korea, Japan and few more exceed USA.

How did new ideas affect society and economy?

Industrialization and new technology affected the economy and society in a significant manner. There was improved production and enhanced efficiency which led to growth of economy and better societies.

Which is basic principle of marxism?

Marxism is based on three key principles 1) materialist interpretation of history - discusses how history is a product of struggles between the social classes 2) critique of capitalism: an economic minority (bourgeoisie) control and manipulate the economic majority (working class) 3) adovcacy of proletarian revolution: discusses how in order to overcome the challenges faced by a working class, this class needs to start a revolution and gain political power Everyone must share the means of production (apex)

What are the three branches of production?

What is the branches of production

Related questions

Which statement best describes the relationship between the industrial revolution and mass production in great Britain ?

Technology developed during the Industrial Revolution allowed for the mass production of goods such as textiles.

Which type of production benefited from the Industrial Revolution?

mass production

Which type of production benefited first from the Industrial Revolution?

mass production

Did people have to hide in shelters during the Industrial Revolution?

No the industrial revolution was not the type of revolution where there was any bombing being done. It was a revolution in the method of production.

What were factors of production required to drive the industrial revolution?

What were three factors of production required to drive the industrial revolution? that is not an answer the answer is: Land, labor, and capital _______________ that is correct, thanks

How was cotton production and distribution done in india before the industrial revolution?

Cotton production and distribution in India before the industrial revolution was done in large-scale.

What was the importance of the Industrial Revolution?

The Industrial revolution ushered in a system of production, labour, class and economics that was hither to unknown.

How did the Industrial Revolution affect the standard of living for people in industrial countries?

The industrial revolution affected the standard of living for people in industrialized countries by improving food production and lowering production costs.

How was production different after industrial revolution than it was before?

Answer this question…Before the Industrial Revolution, items were produced one at a time. After the Industrial Revolution, items were mass produced.

Who is associated with the Industrial Revolution?

mass production, والله

What did the Industrial Revolution develop that allowed mass production?

factories with production lines

What happen during the Industrail Revolution?

The modes of production were changed during the industrial revolution.