A person who has become rich through ruthless and unscrupulous business practices. In other words they got rich by screwing over the working class.
Yes, the statement Bill is nice is true, given those conditions.
It is not legally binding
Yes, this is a true statement.
It is largely privately owned.
If the statement is false, then "This statement is false", is a lie, making it "This statement is true." The statement is now true. But if the statement is true, then "This statement is false" is true, making the statement false. But if the statement is false, then "This statement is false", is a lie, making it "This statement is true." The statement is now true. But if the statement is true, then... It's one of the biggest paradoxes ever, just like saying, "I'm lying right now."
Robert Rober was born in 1929.
Robert Rober is 178 cm.
Rober Haddeciyan was born in 1926.
Andrew Carnegie was known as the "Steel King" and John D. Rockefeller was known as the "Oil King."
They became rich by building monopolies
Circular logic would be a statement or series of statements that are true because of another statement, which is true because of the first. For example, statement A is true because statement B is true. Statement B is true because statement A is true
In computing, this is an AND statement.
always true
always true
Rober Eryol died on 2000-12-21.
Rober Eryol was born on 1930-12-21.