the pathway of revolution
Francis Marion was born in South Carolina, and participated in the American Revolutionary War as a military officer. His nickname was 'The Swamp Fox.'
They were called the "Minute Men"
There were no wars happening within the Revolutionary War. The only actual war that was going on at this exact time and place was the Revolutionary War.
Brigadier General Thomas Sumter was known both as the Carolina Gamecock and the Fighting Gamecock during the American Revolutionary War.
Battle Casualties
Toronto maple leafs like miley
the pathway of revolution
Because he was brave a courageous during the war. This resembled the fighting gamecock. He was then known as the Gamecock General of the American Revolution.
They were called lobsterbacks
Red Coats.
Francis Marion was born in South Carolina, and participated in the American Revolutionary War as a military officer. His nickname was 'The Swamp Fox.'
Harriet Tubman Was the one whos nickname was moses and also helped nore than 300 slaves escape using the undergroundrailroad
Because of the way he changed sides during the revolutionary war, his name became synonymous with betrayal or treason.
It was Thomas Jonathon Jackson he was a military leader in the Civil War and he got that name during the Battle of Bull Run.