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Lester Frank Ward.

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Q: Who argued that government could solve society's problems more efficiently than competition in the marketplace?
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An entrepreneurial "secret" for creating value in the marketplace is applying creativity.

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competition and market

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you have to think yourself as the government.write about the problems which the people down the points on this topic and also the your solutions.this will become a perfect speech

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The government, after all, has limited resources. In addition, governments are bureaucracies (complex systems with many departments, many rules, and many people in the chain of command). Because of this, government cannot always respond quickly or efficiently to social problems. In many cases, the best solutions come from private citizens.

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poverty, corruption, and education.. government coallision

How did the government of the pomo tribe help there tribe?

No Government no problems

What are some Philippine government problems?

the top problems that our country is facing right that corruption in the government,mismanagement of funds..

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The problems that caused the rise of totalitarian government included mass revolutions from dissatisfied groups.

What problems did the Chinese faced in America?

A culture and competition clash between the white & yellow races.