Ambassadors are appointed by the President.
It is not the executive but the legislative branch (the US Senate) that confirms cabinet, judgeship, and other Presidential appointments.
To countries that ask for our help
In cases involving ambassadors, it is the Supreme Court of the United States that has original jurisdiction. The Supreme Court was formed in 1789.
they are appointed by the president and ratified by the Senate
The US Senate has to confirm the important appointments, such as cabinet members and ambassadors.
The bishop confirms you.
The Ambassadors was created in 1903.
there is 75 ambassadors in the u.s
Hans Holbein painted The Ambassadors, but Holbein Ambassadors is not a real painting.
Ambassadors are appointed by the President.
Ambassadors Group was created in 1967.
The Real Ambassadors was created in 1962.
Young Ambassadors was created in 1970.
Ambassadors Theatre was created in 1913.
Conference of Ambassadors ended in 1931.
The painting The Ambassadors was painted in 1533.