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Q: Who favored British control of the colonies?
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Who was the American loyalist who favored continued british rule of the 13 colonies?


Who sided with the British during the revolution?

The Canadians and most of the other British colonies sided with the British. The Indian tribes near Canada favored the British. A fair number of people in the American colonies were against the revolution-- they were known as Tories. Some of them fled to Canada.

How did the laws Parliament passed increase British control in the American colonies?

The laws parliament passed increase British control in the American colonies since they lowered taxes.

Who sided with the british during the American revolution?

The Canadians and most of the other British colonies sided with the British. The Indian tribes near Canada favored the British. A fair number of people in the American colonies were against the revolution-- they were known as Tories. Some of them fled to Canada.

Who sided with the Americans during the Revolution?

The Canadians and most of the other British colonies sided with the British. The Indian tribes near Canada favored the British. A fair number of people in the American colonies were against the revolution-- they were known as Tories. Some of them fled to Canada.

What where the the two sides in the debate over British taxation of the colonies?

the British and the Indians America's over the control of the 13 colonies and to gain more land

Which colonies favored independence over reconciliation?

The Northern or New England colonies favored independence from Britain versus reconciliation. The middle colonies were in favor of reconciliation.

When the colonies were first founded most of them remained under what control?


What Radical group opposed to british control of the colonies?

Sons of liberty.

What document stated that the colonies were free of british control?

declaration of independace

How did the British government tighten control over the colonies.?

The British began taxing the citizens and controlled their trade.

What did the British try to do after failing to take control of New England?

After failing to control the New England and Middle colonies, the British focused on the southern colonies. It was believed at the time that there were a great many loyalists there, who could hopefully be recruited to assist the British against the patriots.