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When the Vice President is not in the Senate, which is most of the time, his place is taken by the President pro tempore of the Senate, who is usually the Senator with the longest seniority. But in actual practice, the floor of the Senate is normally presided over by junior senators, to enable them to master parliamentary procedure.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

The President Pro Tempore. Contrary to the popular belief, it is not Osama bin Laden (The last known answer to this question).

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Speaker of the house

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βˆ™ 12y ago

speaker of the house

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βˆ™ 11y ago

the Senate President Pro Tempore

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Q: Who fills in for the vice president in senate?
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Who is know as the president of the senate?

The Vice President is known as the President of the Senate, so currently, Joe Biden fills the position. The President of the Senate may vote on a measure only when the vote is tied.

What does the President tell the Vice President to do?

The Vice President of the United States has only two designated functions. He (or she) presides over sessions of the US Senate. And he (or she) becomes president or fills in temporarily if the President is killed or incapacitated. Beyond that, the Vice President does whatever the President wants, as long as it is legal.

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Vice President

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The Vice President is the President of the Senate.

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He oes not have a role. The vice president is President of the Senate.

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The Vice President is the President of the Senate.

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The Vice President is the president of the Senate.

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The president of the senate is the Vice President.

Is the vice president chosen by senate?

No, but he or she is the president of the Senate.

Title of the Head of the Senate?

The Vice President.

Who presides over the Senate in the vice president absence?

The President Pro-Tem presides over the Senate when the Vice-President is not there. The Vice-President barely attends Senate meetings anymore.

Person in charge of the senate?

The Vice President of the United States is also the President of the Senate. He is not a Senator and he can not vote unless there is a tie vote, in which case he can vote to break the tie if he wishes.