Strengthen the power of a political party
how do state legislatures abuse their redistricting power
The process of drawing congressional district lines to favor a political party is called gerrymandering. The word comes from the combination of the name Gerry and the word salamander. Gerry was the governor of Massachusetts in 1812 when the congressional districts in his state were redrawn to favor his Democratic-Republican Party. One of the words was said to resemble a salamander.
to protect them
Strengthen the power of a political party
how do state legislatures abuse their redistricting power
gerrymandering. Gerrymandering is the practice of drawing districts in a way that benefits a particular political party or group. This can involve packing voters of one party into a single district to reduce their influence in other districts, or cracking voters of one party across multiple districts to dilute their voting power. Gerrymandering undermines the principle of equal representation and can lead to distorted election outcomes.
Historically, the Republican party has been the greatest beneficiary when it comes to gerrymandering. Gerrymandering allows small pockets of people to gain greater influence in their area, even if they are in the minority on a larger scale.
There is a difference between redistricting and gerrymandering. Redistricting to keep voting fair and equitable is legal (although it may be challenged in court). Gerrymandering is drawing the voting districts in some way that increases or decreases the elective power of the votes cast in those districts. Gerrymandering was one way that the Northern Ireland Protestant Unionists kept power in the province when there were as many or more Roman Catholics in a given area. Gerrymandering is always unconstitutional since the Constitution guarantees equal rights to all.
Gerrymandering is done so that representatives can be guaranteed to be reelected. It benefits the representative of the district they are gerrymandering.
I think you mean Gerrymandering and the definition is here
The duration of Gerrymandering - film - is 1.35 hours.