The U.S. invaded Afghanistan and overthrew the Taliban.
Persian is the most spoken language in Afghanistan.
Engage in war unless invaded.
Afghanistan was for a while ruled by a Communist Government when the Communist People's Democratic Party seized power in 1978 during the Saur Revolution. Almost immediately, the Communist take-over resulted in civil war. Without Russia's military intervention and backing until 1989, the Communists would haved been chased out of power by their fellow-Afghans in a matter of little over a year.The USA enthusiastically supported the rebels with billions in military aid, weapons which later were used to fight the USA itself after it invaded Afghanistan in the wake of 9/11.Basically, Afghanistan is and was nothing else but a fiercely independent country with loyalties to only fellow tribal and clan members and elders, an orthodox and sometimes fundamentalist Muslim faith and values that 'enlightened' Westerners often think Medieval, but that most Afghans - certainly in the rural areas - are happy to live with
my bummm!
they invaded because they wanted to take over Poland
they invaded Afghanistan in 1979
The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan.
No. The Soviet Union, or USSR, invaded Afghanistan in 1979. The US covertly supported the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan who were fighting against the Soviets. After ten years of fighting the Soviet Union withdrew from Afghanistan.
The Soviet Union A+
The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979.
In 1979, USSR invaded Afghanistan.
free soviet prisoners