Which nation? Great Britain, Canada, the United States, Russia?
Before Canada existed as a nation, Alaska was owned by Russia. Russia then sold Alaska to the United States.
The United States is separated into States. So is Australia. Canada has Provinces. A Nation is a State in itself. A State may or not be part of a Nation. I live in UK, the State is that of Great Britain.
The people in canada's accepted the confederation because it would change them from five unimportant colonies into a great and powerful nation, it would remove the barriers to trade among the colonies and provide a market of four million people, Canada would become the third largest sea-going nation in the world after britain and the united states, it would encourage people to come from other contries to settle in Canada, it would provide other markets for their goods, and in case of war all the colonies would stand strong together.
Jacques Cartier was the person who named the area "Canada", and hence his name "The Father of Canada". It was debrived from the word "kanata", in First Nation language, which means "Village"
Yes he was considered the father of the nation for a small while.
There is no such nation-state as "Southern Canada."
he is the father of our nation
Yes. The word "nationality" comes from the word "nation." Vietnam is a nation. A person from Canada would be of Canadian nationality, because he comes from the "nation" of Canada.
The nation of Canada is directly east of Alaska.
its about our nation
When Canada became a Nation in 1867; the United Nations did not exist.The UN was created in 1945.