John Adams' friends were people, of course. Some of his friends were Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Benjamin Franklin.
John Adams had many friends. Some are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, and Abigail Adams.
Samuel Adams cretated the committee of correspondence so the colonists can get inform of the british actions.
Samuel James Adams
Samuel Adams was a patriot.
Samuel Adams of Boston
The leading radical agitator in the Massachusetts colony was Samuel Adams. Samuel Adams is also one of the founding fathers of the United States.
John Adams,abigail adams, Elizabeth wells, and john handcock
George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Adams, John Hancock.
samuel adams adulthood \
I believe that is Sam Adams. :) or named Samuel Adams.:)
the people who thought about the decleration Or, or, John Adams and Samuel Adams. I went to, and I'm doing a boigraphy on him.
Samuel Adams cretated the committee of correspondence so the colonists can get inform of the british actions.
Samuel Adams was born and rasied in massachusetts.:)
Samuel James Adams
Samuel Adams was a patriot.
Samuel A. Adams was born in 1934.
Samuel A. Adams died in 1988.
Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, John Adams, Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin, William Dawes, Paul Revere