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The Cabinet which is made up of the secretaries of the departments is the answer you are seeking.

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All of the cabinet members report to the President and advise him when asked. Most presidents hold cabinet meetings to discuss current issues that face the administration.

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the vice presedent

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Q: Who or what is responsible for leading the executive departments and advising the president?
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What task would the Executive Office of the President most likely be responsible for?

Helping the president create a federal budget

What are the three oldest executive departments?

Defense (once called War), Treasury, and State were the original 3 departments of the US Cabinet, along with the Attorney General. Washington's cabinet only had 4 people, but as the government's expanded, we have more departments.

Who helps the president carry out laws?

The president gets help from the congress. He also gets help from his cabinet secretaries who head the major departments of the federal government and from the thousands of employees who work for these departments. He gets general help from his White House staff. He gets military advice from the generals and admirals who make up the chiefs of staff.

Which branch of government prepares the federal budget?

It is hard to tell. There has not even been a federal budget since Barack Obama took office. But it is supposed to be the legislative branch does it using the President's recommendations and other input.The federal budgetary formulation and legislation process has proceeded during the tenure of the Obama Administration as it has with previous administrations.The United States Federal Budget and its enabling appropriations legislation, is Congressional legislation just as any, and its consideration and enactment is as subject to the rules of the United States Congress and the provisions of the United States Constitution setting forth the legal requirements for the enactment of federal legislation, as any other.The Executive branch agency responsible for the President's proposed federal budget is the Office of Management and Budget, an officer within the Executive Office of the President.The Legislative branch agency responsible for advising the United States Congress as to economic data, including those pertaining to federal budgetary matters, is the Congressional Budget Office.

Which cabinet head is in charge of advising the president on legal matters?

The Attorney General is usually a top-notch lawyer and heads the Department of Justice and he is the cabinet member whom would a president might turn to in order to answer legal questions. (However, recent presidents have found a need to have their own lawyer as part of their White House staff, even if they, themselves are lawyers)

Related questions

Who or what is responsible for leading the executive department's and advising the president?

The Cabinet which is made up of the secretaries of the departments is the answer you are seeking.

Who or what is responsible for leading the executive departments and advising the presidents?

The Cabinet which is made up of the secretaries of the departments is the answer you are seeking.

Who or what is responsible for leading the executed departments and advising the president?

The Cabinet which is made up of the secretaries of the departments is the answer you are seeking.

Who or what is responsible for leading the executative department and advising the president?

The Cabinet which is made up of the secretaries of the departments is the answer you are seeking.

What task would the Executive Office of the President most likely be responsible for?

Helping the president create a federal budget

Who is responsible for supervising preparation of the federal budget and advising the president on budgetary matters?


Who has the responsibility of assisting and advising the President?

The responsibility of assisting and advising the President lies with key individuals within the executive branch of government. This includes the Vice President, Cabinet members, and other high-level officials appointed by the President. The President's Chief of Staff, National Security Advisor, and White House Counsel are among those who play a significant role in advising and assisting the President in various matters.

Who was responsible for advising president Washington foreign affairs?

His secretary of state, Thomas Jefferson and his vice-president John Adams both had extensive diplomatic experience.

Why does the Cabinet not serve as an effective advisory body?

Actually most cabinents have done very well in advising the cabinet, but I suppose the few cabinents that have failed were because the president can choose who he wants in his cabinent and some presidents choose their friends and they might not necessarly be well educated in the area to which they were appointed, like JFK appointed his own brother to GIVE him law experience, not because Robert had it

Does the cabinet have the job of advertising the president?

I am not sure that "advertising" is the word. They should support the president and do what they can to make his policies look good, since he is their boss and he is responsible for their employment. Perhaps the word you were looking for is "advising," in which case yes, they do.

Who is responsible for advising msgt barnes about her reporting options?

The SARC or VA.

What is the role of the Executive government in Australia?

Executive Government in AustraliaPrime MinisterThe Prime Minister is seen as the leader in contemporary executive governments.Cabinet & MinistryThe Ministry is made up of those Members of Parliament chosen by the Prime Minister or his backers.They make up the executive arm of government and are in charge of the different government departments. The most senior Ministers, including the Prime Minister form the Cabinet,Public ServiceThe Public Service is the administrative arm of the Executive Government, accountable to the relevant ministers and the Parliament. Also known as the bureaucracy, the maze of government departments and authorities is charged with the responsibility of advising the government of the day and implementing government and parliamentary decisions.