Justice Lewis F. Powell was succeed by incumbent Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, whom President Reagan nominated to the Court in 1988. Powell was preceded by Justice Hugo Black.
President Reagan appointed Justice Anthony Kennedy to succeed Justice Lewis F. Powell, Jr., in 1988 following Justice Powell's retirement.
President Ronald Reagan appointed Justice Scalia to the US Supreme Court in 1986. Antonin Scalia succeeded William H. Rehnquist when Rehnquist was elevated to the position of Chief Justice after Warren Burger retired.
The Chief Justice presides over the US Supreme Court. At present, the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court is John G. Roberts, Jr.
President George H. W. Bush appointed Justice David Hackett Souter to the US Supreme Court in 1990. Souter retired in 2009 and was succeeded by Justice Sonia Sotomayor.
2005-presentJohn Glover Roberts, Jr is the current Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, and has been Chief Justice, since 2005.1986-2005William Rehnquist was Chief Justice from 1986 until his death in 2005.
Justice Hugo Black preceded Justice Lewis F. Powell, Jr., on the US Supreme Court. Black was nominated by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1937 and served on the Court until 1971.
President Reagan appointed Justice Anthony Kennedy to succeed Justice Lewis F. Powell, Jr., in 1988 following Justice Powell's retirement.
Nixon's final two appointees to the Supreme Court were William Rehnquist and Lewis Powell. Rehnquist served as an associate justice from 1972 until his elevation to Chief Justice in 1986, where he remained until his death in 2005. Powell served as an associate justice from 1972 until his retirement in 1987.
President Ronald Reagan appointed the first female Supreme Court justice, Sandra Day O'Connor, in 1981. She served on the Court until her retirement in 2006, and was succeeded by sitting Justice Samuel Alito.
President Ford nominated Justice John Paul Stevens to the US Supreme Court in 1975. Justice Stevens retired in June 2009 and was succeeded by Justice Sotomayor.
William H. Rehnquist succeeded Warren Burger as Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court when Burger retired in 1986. Chief Justice Rehnquist presided over the Court until his death in 2005.
President Ronald Reagan appointed Justice Scalia to the US Supreme Court in 1986. Antonin Scalia succeeded William H. Rehnquist when Rehnquist was elevated to the position of Chief Justice after Warren Burger retired.
Chief Justice Earl Warren, known for his proactive approach to expanding civil rights, presided over the US Supreme Court from 1953 until his retirement in 1969. He was succeeded by Warren Burger.
Fourth Chief Justice John Marshall, arguably the most influential Chief Justices in the history of the Supreme Court, presided over the Court from 1800 until his death in 1835. He was succeeded by Chief Justice Roger B. Taney.
Associate Justice is the formal title for any US Supreme Court justice who is not the Chief Justice. There are eight Associate Justices and one Chief Justice on the Supreme Court.
Thurgood Marshall's careers were an attorney and A Supreme Court Justice .
The Chief Justice presides over the US Supreme Court. At present, the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court is John G. Roberts, Jr.