Although Washington was the commanding and victorious general in the Revolutionary, he served as a leader in the continental congress before the war began, chaired the constitutional convention after the war and served two terms as the first President of the United States and it was a time of peace.
Sivle rights... peace, freedom, black rights, imigration laws....... things to keep.. or try to keep peace and justice.or ordain if your doing a crossword puzzle
peace with France
Protection from the Federal Government.
A persuasive technique that I have found in Patrick Henry’s Speech to the Virginia Convention is a rhetorical question when he asked,"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?"
the peace maker
Peace Maker - pamphlet - was created in 1842.
hiawatha is believed to have lived circa 1525 to 1575. the great peace maker, a creating for them a constitution known as "the great law of peace".
He was a peace maker
Although Washington was the commanding and victorious general in the Revolutionary, he served as a leader in the continental congress before the war began, chaired the constitutional convention after the war and served two terms as the first President of the United States and it was a time of peace.
deganawida is the peace maker.
Sivle rights... peace, freedom, black rights, imigration laws....... things to keep.. or try to keep peace and justice.or ordain if your doing a crossword puzzle
The three W's about the Constitutional Convention are: Why because the Articles of Confederation were not working in time of peace. Who attended the convention were our Founding Fathers concerned by the problems that the Articles of Confederation caused wanted a government that could collect taxes to do necessary governmental actions but without tyranny. Finally Which plan would be used. Should all states have equal say or should the number of people in a state make a difference. The Connecticut plan was a compromise over the Virginia and New Jersey plans.
Edward VII
Samuel colt