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Q: Who was the Last president of the revolutionary generation?
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What best describes why James Monroe was called the last of the Revolutionary War generation?

James Monroe was the fifth President of the US. He was considered the last of the Revolutionary War generation because he was the last president who was a founding father of the United States.

Who was the last president from the Revolutionary War era?

It was James Monroe.

Which president was the last president of the revolutionary era?

The last President who served during the American Revolution was Andrew Jackson. He joined the Continental Army when he was 13 years old.

Which president was the last of the Revolutionary War heroe to hold the office?

James Monroe

Who were the president in the Revolutionary War?

There was no president at the time.

Who was on 1000 bills?

The last generation of the now discontinued $1,000 bill featured a picture of President Grover Cleveland.

Why was there no president during the Revolutionary War?

There was no president at that time; that's why it's called the Revolutionary War. They had to fight to get a president in instead of being ruled by the monarchy.

When was Last Generation created?

Last Generation was created in 2005.

Was James Madison president during the revolutionary war?

no, there was no president existing during the revolutionary war. we had not become the U.S.A yet.

What made President James Monroe a unique presidential figure?

Monroe:was the last of the founding fathers to be Presidentwas the last Revolutionary War hero to be Presidentran for President unopposed .gave his name to a foreign policy doctrine that is still referred to on occasion

What year did James Monrioe die?

James Monroe was the 5th president of the United States. he was the last president who was a Founding Father of the United States, third of them to die on Independence Day and the last president from the Virginia dynasty and the Republican Generation. He died on July 4 1831.

When was The Last Generation in England created?

The Last Generation in England was created in 1849.