The last skirmish, not battle of the Revolutionary War was the skirmish of Cedar Creek fought in Manahawkin January of 1783.
James Monroe was the fifth President of the US. He was considered the last of the Revolutionary War generation because he was the last president who was a founding father of the United States.
It was James Monroe.
Daniel Bakeman
Battle of Monmouth
The Revolutionary War started out as a small skirmish rather than an all-out battle.
The first skirmishes of the Revolutionary War were at Lexington and Concord. The first shots were fired as the sun was coming up in Lexington.
Do you man the last battle? It was Yorktown.
hi mommy
Yorktown, it was the last battle of the Revolutionary war.
The last battle was in Yorktown
James Monroe was the fifth President of the US. He was considered the last of the Revolutionary War generation because he was the last president who was a founding father of the United States.
The last battle of the revolutionary war was The Battle of Yorktown.
Skirmishes broke out between rebel groups.Let's skirmish!Skirmish has eight letters.I don't know what skirmish means.The American Civil War was no minor skirmish.
the last one