Operation Overlord
see: Is crossdressing bad?Well I know a guy named Anton Beattie and he is in the US military. He tells me that his sergeant got him into cross dressing and made him Bi-sexual. He told me that about 3 times a week he goes into his office and cross dresses and pretends to be the sergeants mistress, so i guess if you like him, its OK.
hakenkreuz "hooked cross" = swastica. when people say "bent cross" they are just misinformed and probably mean "hooked cross", most likely. Germans call it "hakenkreuz" and people that speak English call it "swastica"
A cross pressured voter is someone who is receiving mixed cues as to how they should vote. The cross pressured voter is not loyal to any one party and is conflicted as to which party.
Gurtrude Ederle.
Gertrude Ederle was the first lady to cross the English channel.
To get from Normandy to Hastings William had to cross the English Channel.
CN JANAKI was the first disabled person to cross the English Channel in 1992.She was from India.
As Britain is an island, they had to cross the English Channel to get to mainland Europe. Later in the war, Allied troops had to cross the River Rhine to get to the heart of Germany.
English Channel
Yes, but you have to cross the English Channel. You can do this by using a ferry or you can put your car on a train which will cross the Channel via the tunnel.
The English Channel, which separates England from France.
You would travel in a Northwestern direction, and would go over the English Channel.
The English Channel or more precisely the Strait of Dover in English and Le Pas de Calais in French
it takes time
A wide variety of shipping and the current Channel Tunnel or Chunnel provides a free flow of transport under the English Channel.