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The Speaker of the house will become President.

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Q: Who will run the country if the president and the vice president die at the same time?
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When do the vice president gets the same money pay as the president?

when the vice president in the seat of president in the absence of the president, at that time the vice president will become eligible for getting the same salary of president.

Can the vice president stay on as long as the president?

I am not quite sure what you want to know. The president and vice president are elected as a team at the same time and their terms expire at the same time. If the president leaves office before the end of his term, the vice-president becomes president.

Can Paul Ryan run for vice president and House-of-Representitives at same time?

Yes, and he will. Biden ran for senate and Vice President at the same time.

Who is elected at the same time and for same time period as the president?

The president,vice-president , all 435 representatives to the House and one-third of the senators are all elected on the same day. Some states also elect their governor and other state officials on that day.

Can the president and vice president be in the same building together?

Yes- they meet in person from time to time.

Are the requirments to be vice president same as president?

Yes, the same for a vice-president.

Does the vice president share appointent with the president?

I am not quite sure what you are asking. The vice-president is elected in the same way and at the same time as the President. They run as a team. That is all they legally share.

What is the length of the term of the vice president?

The Vice-president's term is the same as the President, 4 years.

Do the president and vice president of the US of different political party can serve at the same time?

No, they have to be of the same political party.

Who would become president in the case of the president and the vice president both being killed at the same time?

If both of them are killed at the same time then speaker of the house becomes president

How often is there an election for the Vice President?

The vice president is elected at the same time that the president is elected, as stated by the 12th Amendment. So, every 4 years.

Who becomes resident if the president and the vice president die at the same time?

If both the President and the Vice President are unable to serve, then the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives would become President.