Cornwallis feared his army would be totally annihilated by the French and Americans who threatened to bomb Yorktown. Cornwallis was so humiliated to surrender, he stated he was sick and sent a second-in-command officer to surrender Cornwallis sword.
Cornwallis took his army to Yorktown (a Virginia port city) to meet British ships bringing supplies and reinforcements, planning to attack colonial armies in Virginia. But the French Navy prevented the British ships from entering Chesapeake Bay and the York River, trapping most of the British army. Cornwallis was vastly outnumbered by the colonial forces under George Washington (about 19,000 troops compared to his 7000), which began a three-week siege. When his defenses began to crumble under the colonial assaults, he surrendered on October 19, 1781.
This is usually marked as the end of major hostilities in the Revolutionary War although the peace treaty was not signed until 1783 in Paris.
Near the end of the American Revolutionary War, Lord Cornwallis and his large British army became trapped at Yorktown due to two complementary factors. First was the defeat of the British naval support-force in the waters off Yorktown by a French fleet. Second was the superior force of American and French troops which outduelled Cornwallis' force and finally surrounded it, thereby ensuring its surrender.
Yorktown, in 1781, in Virginia
The location of Yorktown is why it was a good place for Cornwallis to establish fortifications. The Siege of Yorktown took place in 1781.
In Yorktown, Virginia
The admiral that helped trap General Lord Cornwallis at the Siege of Yorktown was Comte (or admiral) de Grasse.
Charles Cornwallis was defeated at Yorktown, a battle that took place during the American Civil War, because his troops were tired and sick from smallpox. Cornwallis was concentrating his fortification efforts on Yorktown, but forgot about the outer defenses. This gave Washington and Rochambeau opportunity to completely surround Cornwallis.
Cornwallis Surrendered at Yorktown
General Cornwallis surrendered in Yorktown, Virginia, heralding the end of the Revolutionary War.General Cornwallis surrendered in Yorktown.
General Cornwallis surrendered in Yorktown. Yorktown
At the Battle of Yorktown
General Cornwallis was trapped in Yorktown, Virginia.
General Lord Cornwallis was the commander of the British Army at the Battle of Yorktown.
Yes, he was the one that Cornwallis chased until he (Cornwallis) fled to Yorktown where he was trapped.
General Cornwallis
General Cornwallis
At Yorktown.
General Cornwallis