Childhood Illness wtf be more specific please This doesn't help mee!!!! What kind of Illness!?!?!?!
John Adams had three daughters, Abigail (named for her mother), Susanna, and Elizabeth (stillborn). Abigail died of breast cancer in her late 40s. Susanna died in her second year; the cause is not known.
She had lung cancer.
Samuel Adams was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, he was one of the leaders of what later would become the American Revolution War. In October of 1979, he married Elizabeth Checkley and together conceived six children, but only two of them survived until adult life: Hannah and Samuel.
John Adams' mother was Susanna Boylston Adams.
Susanna Adams (1768-1170): Susanna did not have a very long life. She was born in the end of 1768 and died in the beginning of 1770. Susanna was named after her paternal grandmother.
February 4, 1770 (1 year, 1 month)
John Adams and Susanna Boylston Adams
Susanna Boylston Adams
John Adams,Sr., and Susanna Boylston Adams
John Adams Senior and Susanna Boylston Adams
John Adams Senior and Susanna Boylston Adams
Of course John Adams had a Mom. Her name is Susanna Boylston Adams.
John Adams Senior and Susanna Boylston Adams
Susanna Boylston
Susanna Boylston Adams