President Truman demobilized the armed forces in the hope to unite the Democrats. He wanted to give civil rights to minorities without alienating segregationists.
Unification of the armed forces and the strengthening of the economy of the US were some of the goals of Truman as the president.
Ordering the complete integration of the US Armed Forces.
President Truman desegregated the armed forces with Executive Order No. 9981 on July 26, 1948.
The Executive Branch is the one that is over the Armed Forces. The Executive Branch consists of the President and Vice President.
The President .
President Truman
Armed Forces.
One thing that is true of the desegregation of armed forces under President Truman was that it was done by executive order.
One thing that is true of the desegregation of armed forces under President Truman was that it was done by executive order.
One thing that is true of the desegregation of armed forces under President Truman was that it was done by executive order.
Harry Truman
Harry S. Truman
United States Armed Forces.
One thing that is true of the desegregation of armed forces under President Truman was that it was done by executive order.
harry s. Truman
Unification of the armed forces and the strengthening of the economy of the US were some of the goals of Truman as the president.