After the Revolutionary War, it was fairly obvious that the Articles of Confederation were not working. A convention was put together to create a central government that would treat each of the states equally.
The country had previously been held together loosely with the articles of confederation. These pretty much allowed all the states to do what they wanted. It eventually became apparent that this loosely tied country would fall if a stronger power were to be put in place. Still fearing the oppressive grasp of an absolute rule from a monarchy or similar governing force, they formed a 3 branch national government, so it had all the power it needed, but it couldn't oppress the masses.
The Articles of Confederation were simply an established "friendship" between States. As long as the "friendship" was still intact the States could maintain their nation, but ultimately provided for a weak nation should any problems occur.
The Articles of Confederation also left the Central government extremely weak compared to the State governments. The central gov't would try to regulate and make laws but they had no way/means of enforcing them upon the States. Basically the national government didn't have enough power.
(You could say in lamest terms that the States were squabbling children who didn't listen to their parents.)
Therefore the Framers of the Constitution (at the Philedalphia Convention) sought to unite the States AND create a government the States could all agree with and abide. Their goal was to balance the power of the State and National government so that the national government could enforce the law but not become too big or unlimited that the States didn't have any input.
Natural rights.
The framers of the Constitution, for the most part, believed that a strong central government was necessary. There were several anti federalists that did not believe that ideal.
Hamilton was a Federalist who believed in a country with a strong federal government. For example, he wrote the Public Report on a National Bank, in which he suggested that the national government should create a bank to help get rid of Revolutionary War debt, even though some argued that it was a breach of the Constitution.
Libertarians believe in SELF-government, and in personal freedom. Governments in general are a necessary evil, to be tolerated and strictly limited. Personal freedom should to be maximized. In general, a Libertarian will generally disagree with the statement "There ought to be a law...." Most laws are BAD laws, even the necessary ones. Libertarians believe in personal responsibility for their own actions.
They needed to establish a form of government so there would be order in the new colony and so that they had some guidelines to support good values and so on.
It depends which country you are referring to.
no he believed in Christianity and that it was not necessary in the formation of government
George WashingtonJohn Adams believed in a strong national government and he was a member of the federalist party
State government.. The state government's power included the authority to set taxes and enforce national laws.
Natural rights, sometimes called unalienable rights, are rights the Framers believed all people are born with and can never give up. The Founders argued that the government's central purpose should be to protect and uphold these rights.
One believe that the two governments shared in 1790
what did many americans believe the federal goverment should do to improve national unity
a strong central government
I believe the answer is defense since this a federal power?