He quarrelled with the pope . This dude also killed a priest and King John just said 'release him, he has killed an enemy of mine. Untie him and let him go.' After he had quarrelled with the pope he ordered all the monks at Canterbury , including the blind and crippled, out of the country! HE said that all monks were PUBLIC ENEMIES.
John Quincy Adams
why people have right to overthrow the king? john locke
To me he appears to be a moderate with a leaning towards the democratic sideI don't know who wrote the comment above -- maybe a CNN employee.But John King is a REPUBLICAN. Period. He always has been. A simple bit of research will often give you the information you need. Research John King, his background, the organizations he's involved with (past and present), etc. -- see for yourself.
He WAS. He created illegal taxes, imprisoned barons without reason or trial, and many more things that are terrible. However, after a revolt, he agreed to sign the Magna Carta. That is basically the rules of Canada today. he also did follow god so therefore the people of his time ( because they were really religous) didnt like him.
John Hancock had the biggest signature on the Declaration of Independence. He wanted it to be big enough for the King of England to be able to read it without his glasses
The monks wrote bad things about John,some even false because King John didnt like the pope and the pope didnt like him.
they hated him because he was a dumbo for shutting down the churches P.S- Your so dum tou got locked in tesco and starved to death
Oh honey, those monks probably don't hate King John personally, they just don't appreciate his shenanigans. I mean, who would love a ruler who's all about raising taxes and causing chaos? Those monks are just trying to live their peaceful lives, and King John keeps messing with their zen.
thomas beckett and hernry sarroc
Gervase, a monk from Canterbury in Kent wrote "After arguing with the Pope, John ordered the few monks who remained at Canterbury, including the blind and crippled, out of the country. He said that all monks were public enemies."
Croxton Abbey, Leicestershire.
John Clark Monks was born in 1760.
John Clark Monks died in 1827.
Cause in 1206 he quarelled with people and got the churches shut down :p stupid muppet
John Monks has written: 'Income inequality and the UK economy' 'The library of John Monks, Jr' -- subject(s): Bibliography, Catalogs, Booksellers' 'Brother Rat' 'Evidence'
well king john was not a bad king but he wasn't the best either. for centuries king john was regarded as a bad king.Stories say that he taxed people enourmously and broke all the rules of the magna carta so people assumed the worst of him and thought he was a bad king and a tyrant. though historians from today have proved that the stories were written by monks and john fell out with the monks.there is a big diffirence between a good king and a good personCorrect Answer.King John taxed people enormously and broke all the rules to the Magna Carta so people assumed the worse of him and thought he was a bad king and a tyrant. The monks fell out with him and they had to write things for people around the city/village/world. Also, he monks wrote bad things about him even if they weren't true. So you definitely didn't want to fall out with the monks in those times. King John was also suspected of murdering King Richard's son, his nephew, so that he could become King; he sent King Richard on long crusades with the same intention. This is only a rumour though and has not been proved true but that is what medieval people thought.
does john cena really hate vince John Cena is awesome.I hate vince because dx does