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They weren't too smart.....

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Q: Why did these groups come together in a single party?
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What must be form to have many groups come together and work towards legislation and controlling government decisions?

in order to have many groups come together and work towards legislation and controlling government decisions

What is political history?

a political history is a party when all the governments come together and its history because its from long ago.

How is ruling party and opposition party formed?

Parties are formed form groups of people with the same political goals coming together to try and achieve these common goals. In a democratic country there must be at least two parties but there may be many more. At an election, the parties put up their candidates for election and the people vote for the candidate they want to represent their views. Usually the party with the most elected candidates will form the party of government (the ruling party) and the rest form the opposition. However, in countries with more than one party, it may be that no one party wins a majority of seats and in this case, a group of parties come together to form a coalition government with the rest forming the opposition.

When did conservative party come to power?

i have no i diea

What did the Mayflower Compact strive to create?

The Mayflower Compact was created on board of the Mayflower. It strived to bring together the different groups of people on board to come together to form a peaceful community in the wilderness. The people all had different ideas and quarreled among eachother. This document put an end to the quarreling and bounded the Pilgrims together by laws they had created and agreed on.

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What was Jesse McCartney's debut single?

aaron's party (come get it)

What must be form to have many groups come together and work towards legislation and controlling government decisions?

in order to have many groups come together and work towards legislation and controlling government decisions

When two streams come together it is at this?

When two streams come together, it is called a confluence. At a confluence, the two streams merge to form a single stream.

What makes a community come together?

just make a community service party/metting...

Is gang considered an animal group?

yes because some come in groups and kill together

Why did the Iroquois groups choose to come to together to form the Iroquois League?

So they can choose who is leader

How are informal groups formed?

Informal groups are formed by people who have common interests. They could come together to solve problems or increase workplace morale.

Does pythons stay in groups I mean do they usually stay together or do they walk seperately?

They're solitary, and basically only come together for mating.

Do bobcats live in groups?

No, bobcats are solitary animals and typically live and hunt alone. They only come together during the mating season or when raising their young.

In Italian what does festa mean?

"Festa" in Italian translates to "party" or "celebration." It refers to a gathering or event where people come together to socialize and have fun.

What has to be performed in order to have many groups come together and work towards legislation and controlling government decision?


How do you get your brother not to come to your party?

It depends if your brother is a lot younger than you and if you are having the party in your parent's home. If your brother is younger than you and the party is in your parent's home then speak to your parents and ask if your brother can stay with one of his friend during your party. If you are an adult and do not want your brother to come to your party because of reasons of your own (you both don't get along together) then tell him honestly that he is not welcome to come.