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Because there's no way to transport the extra-food to the other parts of the world before the food gets totally rotten.

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Q: Why do some people have to starve while there are surpluses rotting in other parts of the world?
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How did successful practices and food surpluses affect growth in Mesopotamia?

Successful farming practices helped Mesopotamia grow because people were able to settle and not live a nomadic lifestyle. Food surpluses made it possible for people to work on other things, such as art and music.

Do people starve in Scotland?

No more than in any other civilised country.

How did surpluses lead to specialization?

Extra food meant that not everyone had to produce food for a living

Food surpluses allowed cultures to more with each other?

all of the above

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What effect did food surpluses have on living in towns?

Food surpluses allowed towns to grow in size and population as they could support more people. It also led to the specialization of labor, with some individuals able to focus on activities other than food production. This helped foster economic and cultural development within towns.

What economic changes resulted from food surpluses agricultural villages?

People could specialize in other things that were indirectly related to agriculture, such as education, philosophy, iron-making, writing texts, etc.

What year was science invented?

Probably after the nomadic way of life ceased to exist, really, and there were surpluses of food. This would allow people to pursue other things, such as higher learning not related to survival.

What economic changes resulted from food surpluses in agricultural villages?

People could specialize in other things that were indirectly related to agriculture, such as education, philosophy, iron-making, writing texts, etc.

How did successful farming practices and food surpluses affect growth in Mesopotamia?

Successful farming practices and food surpluses in Mesopotamia allowed for a more stable food supply, which supported the growth of cities and populations. This surplus also enabled specialization of labor, leading to the development of trade and commerce. Additionally, it facilitated the rise of complex social structures and centralized governments.