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Okonkwo was exiled seven years for accidentally killing a fellow clan member. For those seven years he moved through his daily practices with no real purpose. He basically sat around waiting to return to his father's land. He felt useless in his mothers clan; he did not try to earn a place of respect among them. Most of the time he was just feeling sorry for himself. He made plans what he would do when he arrived back, but he did nothing of value where he was.

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Q: Why do you think okonkwo wasted his life in exile?
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Okonkwo originally lives his life in Umuofia, but he is exiled for seven years. During this time, he lives in his motherland, Mbanta. He eventually returns to Umuofia.

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In Chinua Achebe's novel "Things Fall Apart," Okonkwo commits suicide by hanging himself after realizing that his clan will not resist colonization by the British. He chooses to end his life rather than live under the control of the colonizers, maintaining his sense of pride and dignity in his own way.

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Life Wasted was created in 2020-11.

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The most significant event in Umuofia since Obierika's last visit to Okonkwo was Okonkwo's exile due to his accidental killing of Ezeudu's son. This event marked a turning point in Okonkwo's life and had far-reaching consequences for him and his family. It also highlighted the complexities of tribal justice and the tension between traditional customs and colonial influence.

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Okonkwo must die because he kills another man. The justice of the white man is to take a life for a life taken.

When was Life in Exile After Abdication created?

Life in Exile After Abdication was created in 1988-03.

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exile from what? miserable as when? garbage in, garbage out.

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Ptolemy XIII didn't exactly exile Cleopatra -- he would have killed her if she had been caught. She went into exile to save her life. It was all about power.Ptolemy XIII didn't exactly exile Cleopatra -- he would have killed her if she had been caught. She went into exile to save her life. It was all about power.Ptolemy XIII didn't exactly exile Cleopatra -- he would have killed her if she had been caught. She went into exile to save her life. It was all about power.Ptolemy XIII didn't exactly exile Cleopatra -- he would have killed her if she had been caught. She went into exile to save her life. It was all about power.Ptolemy XIII didn't exactly exile Cleopatra -- he would have killed her if she had been caught. She went into exile to save her life. It was all about power.Ptolemy XIII didn't exactly exile Cleopatra -- he would have killed her if she had been caught. She went into exile to save her life. It was all about power.Ptolemy XIII didn't exactly exile Cleopatra -- he would have killed her if she had been caught. She went into exile to save her life. It was all about power.Ptolemy XIII didn't exactly exile Cleopatra -- he would have killed her if she had been caught. She went into exile to save her life. It was all about power.Ptolemy XIII didn't exactly exile Cleopatra -- he would have killed her if she had been caught. She went into exile to save her life. It was all about power.