God did speak to people so that they could actually hear him. It was in the form of his son Jesus Christ. God told us many times that he was Jesus and Jesus was God (in man form). Now the next question will be then why does he not speak audio to us today?
The answer to that is simple. He spoke to thousand of people when he was on earth and told them what we needed to do to see Heaven. Many that heard him speak wrote down the words he said. Then Jesus said to his disciples that they now must go into the world and preach to all the nations what they had seen and heard.
Not just a few people but many saw Jesus come back to life as he stayed on earth for forty day after he rose. Jesus continued to speak to many before descending into Heaven. There was no doubt that he did what he said he would do. Then Jesus before going back to Heaven told his disciples and others what they must do. Jesus said for them to go into all the world and preach of what they had seen with their own eyes.
There were historians in the villages and that was their job to accurately document history. They took their job very seriously by putting down actuate truths as their life long duties.
Now you may say well there are no real pictures of Jesus. No proof he ever existed. I would then say there were none of a famous Indian named Crazy Horse but historians say he existed and most would agree he did.
Even though only one question was asked I felt compelled to answer another often asked question.
A "filibuster" is a procedure by which a senator can speak on a subject as long as he likes. As long as they do not break for water/bathroom/etc or in anyway yield control of the floor, a senator may speak as long as they like. Strom Thurmond famously filibustered the Civil Rights Act for over 24 hours. In modern times, the Senate doesn't actually require a senator to take the floor and speak to filibuster. All he must do is tell the party's floor leader, I believe.
Facts speak to what occurred, whereas interpretations speak to the meaning of what occurred.
About 500,000,000 people speak English as a first language, so that would be around 7% of all humans speak English as a first language. As any other language but first, it is estimated that 2,100,000,000 humans speak English, or about 30%.
More Belgians speak Dutch than French. German is also officially recognised in the east.
representation has to do with taxation because ,if u want to speak out against a tax law you would have to speak out first
It doesnt speak LOL
It actually doesnt come from any specific country its basically mocking the way babies speak. Nana is just Grandma
Omar Bravo doesnt speak English
no she doesnt
A mime.
Alpaca Language. Actually there is no ACTUAL language for animals, only sounds or behavior signals.
Reserved or reticent.
A strange Italian creature ,doesnt speak good English
perhaps he likes you but he doesnt want to go out with you
She doesnt have one i dont think
It doesnt exist. Dont waste time and try and scare your self. :)
say meow meow :P you cant actually speak cat