I believe it is for the police officers that died in the shoot out in Oakland.
Raise the flag briskly to the top of the pole. Pause for just a second, then slowly lower the flag until it is in the center of the pole (literally half staff). Lowering the flag from half staff is the exact opposite. Raise the flag to full staff, pause for a second, then slowly lower the flag all the way.
It is traditional to fly the flag at half staff (half mast should really only relate to flags flown on board ship) on days of national mourning in the UK, such as the death of the Sovereign, or of a Prime Minister. November 9, 2008 was Remembrance Sunday when the nation remembers the dead in all conflicts since the First World War and is hence a day of national mourning. Although the Armistice (treaty to end the Great War in 1918) was signed at 11am on 11 November, it has become customary to mark the date on the nearest Sunday to that, rather than keeping to 11 November which began to cause traffic disruption in large cities. The reason for flying a flag at half staff is to leave room for the invisible flag of death being "flown" at the top of the mast, signifying the presence of death.
Half-mast. Usually due to tragedies.
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo confirmed the American title to Texas and yielded enormous area stretching westward to Oregon and the ocean and embracing California. It included Texas, which was half of Mexico. The US agreed to pay $15 million for the land and $3.5 million for the claims of its citizens against Mexico.
a person who is half English, half Japanese, or someone who is half American, half Japanese
I was just there today and it and the Texas flag were both being flown at half staff
The president asked that the flags be flown at half mast for Peace Officers Memorial Day (as part of Police Week which began on May 11th).
to commemorate the death of the people in the Brussels attack
Two soldiers were killed in action and where from Kansas
Two and a Half Men - 2003 The 'Ocu' or the 'Pado' 6-17 was released on: USA: 9 March 2009 Sweden: 13 April 2009 Netherlands: 20 April 2009 Australia: 21 April 2009 Hungary: 26 June 2009 Austria: 27 March 2010 Switzerland: 29 March 2010 (German speaking region) Germany: 13 April 2010 Finland: 2 March 2011
Two and a Half Men - 2003 I'd Like to Start with the Cat 6-15 was released on: USA: 9 February 2009 Australia: 31 March 2009 Sweden: 6 April 2009 Netherlands: 13 April 2009 Hungary: 24 June 2009 Austria: 13 March 2010 Switzerland: 25 March 2010 (German speaking region) Germany: 30 March 2010
By the sounds of it, if the black is on top and red on bottom, it is the Australian sub-national flag of the Aboriginal Peoples'.
The Papal flag should be full staff
A flag is flown at half-mast to indicate a death.
Two and a Half Men - 2003 David Copperfield Slipped Me a Roofie 6-14 was released on: USA: 2 February 2009 Sweden: 30 March 2009 Netherlands: 13 April 2009 Australia: 24 April 2009 Hungary: 23 June 2009 Austria: 6 March 2010 Germany: 23 March 2010 Switzerland: 24 March 2010 (German speaking region) Finland: 24 February 2011
The flag is divided horizontally into two. The top half is white and the bottom half is red.
Two and a Half Men - 2003 I Think You Offended Don 6-13 was released on: USA: 19 January 2009 Australia: 17 March 2009 Sweden: 30 March 2009 Hungary: 22 June 2009 Austria: 6 February 2010 Germany: 16 March 2010 Switzerland: 23 March 2010 (German speaking region) Finland: 23 February 2011