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Mayo is good

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Q: Would the prestige of the US have been better served by a disavowal of Admiral Mayo's unauthorized demand than by the bombardment of Vera Cruz?
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Can a US navy vice admiral outrank a read admiral?

No, a US Navy vice admiral does not outrank a rear admiral. A rear admiral is a two-star rank, while a vice admiral is a three-star rank. Therefore, a vice admiral outranks a rear admiral.

Is caption a higher rank than admiral?

Admiral is a higher rank than Captain. A Captain would be promoted to Rear Admiral. Then it is Vice Admiral, Admiral and Fleet Admiral.

Who was the admiral before admiral kimmel?

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Admiral Kimmel. Admiral Kimmel.

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Who was first man to be a rear admiral the vice admiral and then admiral?

Admiral David Glasgow Farragut was the first American Naval Officer to obtain and hold all 3 Admiral ranks.

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The admiral's gig approaches. Is the admiral on his gig? When the gig goes under, I will become the new admiral of the fleet.

What Union navy commander helped to capture Confederate Fort Fisher?

Rear Admiral David D. Porter commanded a flotilla of US navy ships that bombarded Fort Fisher in North Carolina. The bombardment helped to weaken the Confederate's positions and led to a Union military takeover of the fort.

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The corresponding naval ranks are normally fleet admiral, grand admiral or admiral of the fleet.

How do you address a rear admiral in a letter?

To address a Rear Admiral in letter form it's 'Admiral.'

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A commodore admiral is a flag officer of a rank between captain and rear admiral.