Yes. They were Iapetus (one of the Titans) and Clymene (one of the Oceanids).
Maia was one of the seven Pleiades; her father is Atlas and her mother Pleione.
Atlas was from greek mythology
Atlas was a Titan. Unmarried.
Atlas was born of the Titans Iapetus and Clymene.
Atlas was a titan whom the Olympians disliked. The Olympians sent the titans to do hard chores or to Tarturus. Atlas had to hold the heavens as long as the Olympians were there. Atlas tried to trick Heracles or Hercules to hold the heavens in Hercules and his labors.
It wasn't a god it was a titan (parents of gods). The titan's name was Atlas.
Atlas is Greek, but he is not a god. He is a Titan.
Atlas had several siblings, his parents were Iapetos and Clymene and their children included Epimetheus, Prometheus, Bouphagos, Menoitios and Anchiale.
Maia was one of the seven Pleiades; her father is Atlas and her mother Pleione.
Atlas was a Titan.
Atlas wasnt a god, and he was born and raised in denver
Atlas was one of the titans, not really a god worshipped by the Greeks.
Atlas was from greek mythology
Atlas was the son of Lapetus and Klymene
Atlas was a Titan. Unmarried.
a titan who goes by Atlas
The mythical god who held Gaia (Earth) on his shoulders was Atlas also called Atlas Telamon (enduring Atlas). The act was a punishment from god Zeus.