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Q: How was greek myths passed on from generation to generation?
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Who found greek?

No single person "founded" Greek mythology. The Greeks told stories and passed them down orally, generation after generation. They myths were created to explain everyday happenings, such as the sun, the seasons, and the stars.

What is the adjective for mythology?

Mythology is a collection of stories written by a culture over the years and passed down from generation to generation. Most of the myths concern the creation of the world and the human race. Others attempt to explain the weather, good and bad luck, the seasons, night and day, and so on. There are Greek myths, Roman myths, Scandinavian (Nordic) myths, North American Indian myths, South American myths and so on.

Who wrote Daedalus and Icarus?

There are no authors of the Greek myths, they were age old and handed over from generation to generation.

Why did ancient Greek write Greek myths?

The ancient Greeks wrote Greek myths so they could explain how the world was created and why certain things on Earth are like what they are. Most myths were part of oral tradition handed down by word of mouth from generation to generation long before the Greeks developed writing.

What are myths a traditionqal story passed down from generation to generation?

Myths are traditional stories that often explain natural phenomena, cultural beliefs, or the origins of the world and humanity. They are typically passed down orally from generation to generation in various cultures and societies. Myths can include gods, goddesses, heroes, and supernatural beings, and they serve to teach lessons, convey morals, and provide insights into a culture's values and beliefs.

How do people remember the Greek gods?

in myths passed down through generations, and still passed today as stories

Which method was used to pass down myths from generation to generation?

Myths were typically passed down from generation to generation through oral storytelling. In many cultures, trained storytellers would memorize and recite myths to keep them alive and preserve their cultural significance. This tradition helped ensure that myths were shared and remembered by community members through verbal communication.

How many Greek myths are there?

There are many Greek myths. There is so many that it's hard to count them all. They have been altered and passed down for many years making it hard to count. If this doesn't help.... ASK GOOGLE!

What are similarties between myths and folktales?

Both are traditional, passed on from generation to generation, and some claim exagerated. Clearly not those who tell them though..

What method was used to pass down myths from generation to generation?

Myths were typically passed down orally through storytelling. In many cultures, storytellers would memorize and recite myths to preserve them and pass them on to the next generation. Some myths were also depicted in art, music, dance, or written texts to help with their preservation and transmission.

What problems might there be with using vikings myths as historical?

Well, for one thing, myths are more traditional stories passed down from generation to generation than reliable historic resources, although it is accepted as history.

What problems might there be with using viking myths as historical sources?

Using Viking myths as historical sources may present challenges due to their mythological and legendary nature. These myths were often passed down orally and may have evolved over time, making it difficult to determine their accuracy. Additionally, Viking myths were usually written down by Christian scholars who may have altered or interpreted them through a Christian lens, affecting the reliability of the information.